May 18, 2019

4 Biggest Mistakes of the Last Week of School

End of school

Ahhhhh the end is near. Only one more week of school. It's bitter sweet but more sweet than bitter if you know what I mean. But it's A LOT! The last week of school is mixture of many emotions. Relief that summer is coming and time for rest and rejuvenating. Pride in the kiddos who have grown so much. Finally, a bit of saddness say goodby to some kids and staff who will not be coming back. That's the hardest part for me. However, the last week of school is a whirlwind to say the least.

So, this weekend I have been reflecting and resting to get the most out of the last week of school. I have good intentions of being present in mind, body and spirit but when Monday hits...who knows what the week will bring. In this post I narrowed it down to 4 big mistakes I will try not to make this week.

Mistake #4: Trying to do ALL the things!

Yup! Everything! Crafts, end of the school year Pinterest ideas, Field Day, field trips, and the list could go on. This year we are guilty of all of these things. Some things are out of our control and hard to schedule. Like canceling our Spring Concert due to 8 hours of tornado warnings across the area. We will make that up during Field Day because why not?

Mistake #3: Just winging it.

Oh my! I have to have a plan. Even if it's just to start the week off with something sketched out on the calendar. Even if plans are interrupted it's better to be safe than sorry. Even if we are off the rails first thing Monday morning maybe I can get back on track?

Mistake #2: Sweating the small stuff.

Choosing to pick my battles. There will plenty of battles this week. If it hasn't worked all year, it sure isn't going to work the last week of school. Behavior. "Um, it's the last week of school. Swinging on the bathroom stall door hasn't been okay the other 180 something days so let's use it or lose it! OUT!" There will be lots of time-outs and breaks. There is so much fun to be had this week that self control for everyone goes out the window. So, I take a deep breath and remember this too shall pass.

Mistake #1: HUGE Mistake.........Not putting the tiny humans FIRST!

In mistake #4 I mentioned not to do ALL the things but..... there are some pretty fun activities for the end of the school year. There are school traditions and teachers have traditions. But just having fun is good for the teacher soul and the student soul.

So, as the principal, there will be a lot of, "It's okay." "No student has thirst to death in the 25 years I have worked in a school. GET TO CLASS!" "You do not need to use your voice to use the restroom. OUT!" And the list goes on but it's all worth it. There is just extra excitement the last week of school. But I will still be sad on Friday when it is all over. The kids are super fun. The teachers have worked hard all year. But endings are still always a little sad.

Hopefully you enjoyed your last few days if you are out of school and may the "force" be with you if you are still fighting the good fight!

If you haven't downloaded my Teacher Apprecation Guide with over 30 ideas to incorporate throught the year CLICK HERE!

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