Oct 28, 2018

Challenges of Goal Setting

Have you ever talked yourself out of goal setting because you knew wouldn't meet the goal? That's me every time! Over the past few years I have gone through some challenging things in my life. Trying to find my purpose again. Asking, "Why?" a lot. Just trying to get my groove back so to speak.

It seemed like goal setting kept coming up in lots of aspects of my life. The people around me were setting goals. Teacher-preneurs on social media were setting goals. The podcasts I was listening to were about goal setting. The title of the podcast wasn't about goal setting but it would just pop up in podcasts all the time. I was starting to get the hint.

The problem is that in my role as a principal just about everything is about goal setting. Building improvement plan goals, professional development goals, student goals, health and wellness goals, walk-through goals, and goals and goals and goals if you know what I mean. With so many it's hard to keep track of all of them. So I just didn't. But I needed something to look forward to. So I started small and I am keeping track of as many as I can.

So far.....
Successful Goals

  • Pay off debts - Paid off two debts recently.
  • Practice gratitude - Kept a gratitude journal successfully for over a year. 3 things I am grateful for every day.
  • Be a better mom - It's just the small things I pay more attention to.

Current Goals

  • Provide more positive feedback at work - I have a visual aid and tally app on my watch to help with this. I could do better but I am more aware of the type of feedback I am giving to everyone.
  • Exercise 3 times a week - Well.......This is a challenge with 2 girls in 3 different sports but I haven't given up completely.
  • Plan the week every Sunday - I have always done the and this easy for me.

Failed goals...did/do I even try:):):)

  • Lose weight - I have actually gained weight so clearly this is not working!
  • Blog more - You can read the stats of this blog to see that's not happening!
Goal Setting Resources I've used lately:

Money Saving Mom - Make Over Your Year: I didn't take the course but there was a freebie to download. I think if you join the email list you can get access to the freebies.

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