Jul 3, 2016

When Seasons in Life Stop You in Your Tracks

Has it really been 6-7 months since I have posted here? Where does the time go? After a few personal setbacks this year I think I am ready to get back on track. At least I am going to type that here and hope to get back to sharing my ideas and some of yours. 
Empathy - I learned a lot about empathy this past year. When you go through life's challenges you feel much more deeply for people and their circumstances. I learned that this year more than ever.  Of course I had to wallow in my own self pity for a while. But don't we all do that every now and then? You absolutely, positively, 1000% do not know the struggles of the people around you!
Family FIRST - Don't really need to say any more than that!
Cherish true friends - I have LOTS of friends that I need to thank for putting up with me this year and supporting me. When you go through a hard time your true friends stay with you. Bless all their hearts I know they wanted to beat me upside the head on multiple occasions to get my crap together:) It will take me forever to thank all of them but I will I can promise you!
I have missed all my principal and educator friends on the interwebs this year. There are so many ideas and conversations I missed. I can't wait to learn along with all of you again this year.

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