Jan 23, 2011

The Post is Within the Picture - Creativity???

You have to read the text inside this picture to understand. Still experimenting with uses for iPad in the classroom. This is probably not a quality use since it's just an electronic worksheet but my 5 yr. old loves this:)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I spend a great deal of time looking for ways to use the iPad in the classroom. If you are looking for something specific hit me up on Twitter @NathanSandberg and if I don't have it readily available, I can find it for sure.

  2. Thanks Nathan! The more I use/play with the iPad the more uses I can see for it. Just takes time.

  3. This really is outstanding. I absolutely believe the things that you've posted at this point.

  4. Good effort. At all times keep blogging!
