Dec 8, 2010

Nov. 28 Meeting Follow up - Walk-Through Information

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Hello SW Principals!

We had a very productive meeting on Nov. 28th at Ebbet's Field! Everyone brought their current Walk-through forms and shared how/why they use their forms. Below is a link to a PDF of all copies. I am sure you can find something that will fit your school.

Next Meeting: Thursday January 20th 1:00-3:00 Ebbet's Field- We felt this was a really good location for everyone. It was a big private room that was a good environment for conversation.

I will email a sign-up form AFTER Christmas Break.

Topics: Grade Cards & Lesson plans - Please bring a copy of your grade cards for each grade level in your building. Or you can email me copies and I will upload so you don't have to make so many copies. We will also discuss lesson plan expectations. What do you expect for teachers when it comes to lesson plans?

If you have other topics you would like us to add to our meeting topics please let me know.

Walk-Through Observation Documents - This will open as a Google document. If you cannot access it please let me know.

Hopefully you will have a relaxing holiday break and not spend too much of your break working at school in the peace and quiet of a school when no one is around:):):)

1 comment:

  1. I just added your web page to my favorites. I like reading your posts. Thanks!
