Nov 14, 2010

Kindergarten Word Work on the iPod Touch

K Word Work
Decided that the best way to determine the value of the iPod in the classroom is to try it out myself. So I packed up the 4 of the 26 iPod Touches that are not checked out to TEACHERS:) and tried them out with Kindergartners. Yes! I said Kindergartners. Crazy thing is that they can figure it out much quicker than I could.
Here is how this worked:
  • Word work seemed like the easiest time to work with them and that I could find apps for.
  • Actually there are more apps for practicing your ABCs than word work.
  • With the help of my tech specialist I settled on 2 apps to try. ABC Magnets and Magnetic ABC. These two apps allow students to create their own words.
  • Starting with a small group is the ONLY way to go. I cannot imagine introducing these to the whole class. During word work of The Daily 5 I worked with 3-4 students for about 10 min. Then pulled 3-4 more students.
Let's see if I can remember the sequence of events.....
  • Talked about being careful.
  • Students laid their hand flat on the table and I modeled how you would touch the screen by touching the back of their hand. Swiped softly on the back of their hand then a little harder to show you don't have to swipe so hard. Then made the students "swipe" the back of my hand so I could see how they were going to touch the iPods.
  • Showed them how to turn them on and off. Push the "home" button then swipe the lock. We practiced that twice. (BTW - I am the only one touching an iPod so far. I was modeling and they could touch mine.)
  • Showed the app and how it worked.
  • Gave them the iPod and we started together but once they were in the app I helped them individually.
Tune in for "lessons learned" in my next post.


    1. Thanks for your helpful Post, I hope you have a good day!. scholarships for moms

    2. My 3 year old can surf YouTube videos and play a wide range of educational and fun apps. It's crazy how natural it is for him.

    3. My 5 yr old got a little to comfortable with YouTube on her iPod so I had to turn it off when we were not with her:) Have you noticed your 3 yr old trying to touch a regular computer screen like it is a touch screen? It's interesting how they have only used the iPhone, iPod, and my iPad and they think every computer is touch screen now.
      Thanks for the comment!
